Tuesday 5 July 2011

F3AR, Well.. Not Really

I bought myself a copy of F3AR (Fear 3) on Friday and decided it was time to take the wrapping off and play last night, this is a standard routine for me, I just never seem to get round to playing a new game the day I buy it.

After installing it to my 360's hard drive I noticed one of my friends was online and also playing F3AR, so after a couple of text messages a Co-Op game was organised.

The game lasted about 5 hours, and we finished it. As the end credits rolled I could not help but think.. That wasn't really as scary as the previous games.

Yes their were jumps, and the occasional sharp intake of breath every now and then. But no "OMG WTF ARGHH Little girl!!!" moments.

In fact I'm actually struggling to count the amount of Alma (little girl, grown up girl, dead girl) moments their were.

To me the FEAR series was about those moments, the sense of "dark area up ahead, something's gonna happen... Oh nothing di... OMG THERE'S SOMEONE'S SHADOW"

F3AR is by no means a bad game, I loved every second of it, even if I didn't see my ending.. Fettel turned out to be the favourite son in that session.
But I just can't shake a slight sense of disappointment

If this wasn't a Fear game I would be recommending this to all my friends, as a standard horror story shooter it's fantastic, but as part of the fear series it is not as strong an entry as the others, I am left with a sense of "could of been so much better"

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