Tuesday 1 March 2011

Today I Have Mostly Been attempting Rear Entry

I've spent a good chunk of today playing Bulletstorm on the Xbox 360.
The story took 8 hours to finish, though i suspect more capable players could finish it quicker.. I did die a lot..

Stand out moment for me.. Controlling a giant Mecha-godzilla type beast whom Grayson Hunt (your character) had named "Waggleton P. Tallywacker"
Just when you think your getting the hang of the skill shots, the games main pull of getting you to try and kill the thousands of freaks, mutants and general raving lunatics running at you to introduce your face to your own backside, you stumble across a remote control for good old Waggleton.

Yes in Call of Duty Modern Warfare/Modern Warfare 2/Black Ops you take control of various seats in attack choppers, or the AC-130 Super Plane of "Oh Hell here comes the end of the world in one package"...
But Waggleton is a giant dinosaur with freaking machine guns on his head!!

If that last line doesn't convince you to go out and try Bulletstorm.. you have no soul.
To be fair if your an FPS fan you know what to expect.. Guns, Baddies, Baddies getting shot in the ass (Rear Entry skill shot) and lots of explosions.
If your not a FPS fan, i urge you to give it a try, its different to standard FPS games (Call of Duty) and is really what the genre needs at the moment. there's too many games out where it is simply:

Get to cover
Aim at enemy head
Run to next bit of cover

Bulletstorm encourages you to get into the faces of your enemy... well except the heavy armoured mini boss characters.. try that and you'll see the restart checkpoint screen more times than the game over screen in Demon Souls (PS3 Game, Stupidly hard... yet horribly addictive)

The only thing that truly hacked me off, finishing the game and realising i had missed 1 Newsbot, and 1 swarm of Electrofly's.. I'm sure I will go back and attempt to find where the offending missing items are, but not straight away... I've got multiplayer to be trying out.

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