Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Contract Killer iPhone/iPad Game Review

Well, we have another iPhone/iPad app from Glu Games.

As well as the mediocre “Big Time Gangsta ”, there is also “Contract Killer”..

Really basic story overview, you play a contract killer, hitman, guy with a sniper rifle, taking out criminals who are “too dangerous to see the inside of a courtroom”. For some reason after your first mission the General, apparently he is your boss, becomes unhappy with you and takes you off his Christmas card list...

Somehow this has been rated 4 stars on iTunes, apparently there are 17 story missions with unlimited random missions, I made it through 6 before I got so fed up with the game I turned it off and deleted it from my phone. It might have been enjoyable if you didn’t spend 4 minutes before each mission going through menu's, that might be exaggerated but it sure as hell felt like it was that long.

The missions start and you have to locate your target, this is as in-depth as dragging your cross-hairs over every person walking about and finding the red arrow. For the record every single person on each map... looks exactly the same, I think I counted 5 separate character models in this.
When you have found your target, tap the cross-hair button, zoom in, and shoot them in the head.


Target down.

Now all you have to do is worry about the guys who have started shooting at you. I don’t understand this bit, you are a sniper/contract killer you have been sat on a roof waiting for your target, and the moment you pull the trigger, his bodyguards immediately know where you are. It would have made more sense for the bodyguards to run up to the body and then work out CSI style where you were hiding, instead they hop behind cover and start chipping away at your health.

I can not recommend a single thing about “Contract Killer”, like “Big Time Gangsta” it is free to download but will cost you real money to unlock the heavy guns. And again no sign of a multiplayer so, again, you end up spending real money just for the chance to make yourself feel good.

If you really want to see what its like:

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