Well the weathers taken a turn for the worse today, and to be truthful I'm quite happy with it.
While sunny days are nice, they make time at work drag. Standing in the doorway looking out at everyone heading to the beach while we are stuck inside is heartbreaking on its own, but with hardly any customers in their is very little to do, other than clean.
Rainy days though, everyone heads to the cinema, sell out shows, stock runs for kiosk... The place turns into an SAS mission zone, always something to be doing and it keeps you busy, which in turn makes the day go quite quickly.
As it is half term, our film choices are aimed more towards the kids. Rio (3D) is the big crowd puller today, and if you love Pixar or any Dreamworks animated movies, you should definitely check it out. There is also Hop, and Rango to choose from.
For the more grown up audience we have started playing "Your Highness" today, starring Danny McBride and James Franco (both stars of Pineapple Express, in fact it is also directed by the same director) it looks to be in the same style as the old 80's adventure movies like Krull, and The Princess Bride. Although aimed more so at teenagers, which brings me to the two older ladies who have just gone into it... Not that I'm saying they won't enjoy it, but the opening scene looked like it did not meet their approval..
Not wanting to spoil anything, it involves McBride being tried and about to be hung for seducing the queen (or princess, it's hard to hear in the boxes at times). McBride states it was only tantric, with the tiniest bit of penetration. At which the camera pulls back to reveal.. that he is stood amongst a load of midgets.
A movie for "The Kings Speech" crowd? I think not
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