Monday, 8 August 2011


A couple of weeks ago I was informed that my local Game was closing for a month, not permanently though, it will be reopening as a GameStation.

Not a major change, or so I thought, apparently they will have better pre-owned prices and a wider range of accessories.

But yesterday the thought struck me.. My pre-orders?!, what will become of them?.

I pre-order a lot of games each month, the last time I left Game with a pre-order list the receipt was nearly 3ft long. Battlefield 3, Dead Island, Skyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Pro Cycling Manager 5 (my friend on the counter added a load of random games to see if I would notice)

I also had a paid deposit for Gears Of War: Epic Edition, what would happen to all of these?

So I went in to ask, and I did not like what I was told.

"all pre-orders have been allocated to the nearest Game store"

With my local game changing, the nearest one is now a 40 minute train trip away, which defeats the purpose of me pre-ordering in my own town.

In all honesty I don't have a big problem with it, but I don't want to pay out for a train ticket just to pick up a game.

Luckily I managed to find the pre-order slip for Gears of War 3, and got my deposit back. But what of other shoppers who haven't asked about their orders?

I would love to hear the customer support calls when the change happens and everyone who has pre-orders gets told to go to Exeter to pick them up.

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