Tuesday, 23 August 2011

School Holidays Are Nearly Over

Fear not, I'm still alive!

The summer holidays are always a blessing and a curse, they are a blessing due to the extra hours the cinema is open, which means more pay.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Eurogamer Expo 2011, Getting Prepared

Sorry for the quiet spell this week, gone a bit hectic at work.

Starting to get excited for my trip to London next month, it will be my first time there since I was a young lad off to the natural history museum with my dad.

This time though, I will be heading to Earls Court for the Eurogamer Expo.

I am starting to gather my supplies already, new memory card for my digital camera, as I intend to take a lot of pictures, and I have even bought myself a Flip Ultra HD Camcorder for well.. taking videos if and when I can.

The list of playable games on show is growing daily, and I've started making a mental list of where and what I want to have a look at. So far the games I'm definitely taking a peek at are:

Assassins Creed: Revelations, I’m hoping that this is a fitting end to the series, its one of the best original IP’s in the last few years

Batman: Arkham City, I absolutely loved Arkham Asylum and have high hopes for this

Battlefield 3, It’s Battlefield.. .. no reason is needed

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, I never got into the original Counter-Strike rush. I dabbled a bit when it was first released as a mod for Half-Life, and again when Counter-Strike: Source came out, but never got hooked in a big way, the same can be said for Team Fortress 1 & 2, but 2 is now free on steam so I am giving that another shot

Saints Row: The Third, low brow GTA knock-off? maybe it is but Saints Row 2 was fantastic, and a lot of fun. Hopefully this one will continue the trend

Star Wars: The Old Republic, I’m a sucker for MMO’s and Star Wars.. this could be a bad thing.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine, while this is actually released a few weeks before the expo I wouldn't mind taking a look at it in person before parting with any cash. I loved Warhammer when i was younger and still have all the paints and books cluttering up my cupboard, maybe this can keep the addiction in check for a bit longer

I know this list is going to grow over the next few weeks (39 days to go) so I will keep adding as more are announced

Monday, 8 August 2011


A couple of weeks ago I was informed that my local Game was closing for a month, not permanently though, it will be reopening as a GameStation.

Not a major change, or so I thought, apparently they will have better pre-owned prices and a wider range of accessories.

But yesterday the thought struck me.. My pre-orders?!, what will become of them?.

I pre-order a lot of games each month, the last time I left Game with a pre-order list the receipt was nearly 3ft long. Battlefield 3, Dead Island, Skyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Pro Cycling Manager 5 (my friend on the counter added a load of random games to see if I would notice)

I also had a paid deposit for Gears Of War: Epic Edition, what would happen to all of these?

So I went in to ask, and I did not like what I was told.

"all pre-orders have been allocated to the nearest Game store"

With my local game changing, the nearest one is now a 40 minute train trip away, which defeats the purpose of me pre-ordering in my own town.

In all honesty I don't have a big problem with it, but I don't want to pay out for a train ticket just to pick up a game.

Luckily I managed to find the pre-order slip for Gears of War 3, and got my deposit back. But what of other shoppers who haven't asked about their orders?

I would love to hear the customer support calls when the change happens and everyone who has pre-orders gets told to go to Exeter to pick them up.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Now This is how Harry Potter Should of Ended

Damn Kill Stealers..

It did make me laugh though, and for the moment it will probably be the closest we will get to seeing the Masterchief in a movie.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Diablo 3.. hmm

With Blizzards announcement that Diablo 3 will not only feature an in game auction house that will allow players to buy and sell for real money, like eBay but without the threat of having your auction shut down and account suspended.

But will also require the payers to be on a permanent internet connection, while I don't play pc games when I'm not in the house, I can see this upsetting a lot of laptop gamers, the gamers who play while traveling.

If I spend £29.99 - £34.99 on a pc game, I want to be able to play it when and where i want to, regardless of an internet connection.

Yes, I can see their point, by being online when playing they can monitor for mods and hacks (both of which are forbidden now), but to me this feels like a punishment, how dare you play our fantastic (possibly.. I can’t see Diablo 3 failing… unless something catastrophic happens) game outside, in the sun/on a plane/in a car, you should be at home, in the dark, in the basement gaming away like the social outcasts you are.. mwhahahaha

I'm looking forward to Diablo 3, the first 2 games are classics, and as my pc is permanently connected to the internet this wont affect me.. but I do feel sympathy for those wanting to play on long trips



In other news my local GAME is turning into a Gamestation… right when Deus Ex: Human Revolution comes out, so now I need to find somewhere else to buy it..